Know Thy Enemy

They've made it very easy to do so

Planned Parenthood pulls up to DNC 2024

The Democrat National Convention started this week, and among those present were “healthcare” providers from Planned Parenthood, in a mobile vasectomy & abortion van (pictured above).

Now, you are neither ignorant to the Democrat Party’s support of such wickedness, nor surprised to hear that they’ve allowed it to occur just outside their convention. I’m not interested in simply pointing out that this is evil, that goes without saying. I mean to inspect it carefully and understand what’s really going on here, and discuss an appropriate response. First, let’s take a step back and consider how greater men than us would have seen such a thing.

A Brief History of Human Sacrifice

You probably know that human sacrifice has been a common theme in human history, what you may not know is how virtually universal it has been. Below is a map of all civilizations that practiced human sacrifice:

Locations where ritual human sacrifice was practiced

If I were writing to a secular audience, I would explain that this widespread and independent development of human sacrifice as a feature of society is not explicable in secular terms (reply to this email if you want that argument, it’s a good one); I’ll skip over that for the sake of this post and arrive at the obvious Christian conclusion: All these civilizations independently came to have the same unnatural rituals because they were influenced by the same spirit of Satan.

Does it seem like this history hasn’t been well-taught to you? Maybe that’s because it casts the colonial period in a very different light. It turns the evil colonizers into the saviors of countless humans that would have been otherwise murdered. It destroys the theory that “there are no savage cultures.” On the contrary, they were all savage cultures, before Christ.

A Different View of Abortion

In light of this, consider how our forefathers would view the image of abortions being performed in front of a political rally. They, who landed upon foreign lands and observed children being murdered on an alter to pagan gods. How would they interpret what we are witnessing now?

They would come to the immediate and certain conclusion that these people are sacrificing their children for victory in their upcoming political battle.

This is what every civilization throughout all of human history would have understood to be happening in this image. It wouldn’t have confused them at all, they would not require any further context about the motivation of these women, or the platform of the party, or anything about our age. They’ve seen it before, and if we were decent students of history we would easily recognize it now.

Now it may be said that our present practice isn’t in an expressly religious context, and this may seem to some to be a disarming argument. Of course, it is not at all disarming. The spirit of evil is fairly disinterested in what compels men to wickedness, so long as they are. In an age now past, societies were compelled by divine favor from gods, and in this age they are instead more compelled by liberation from the burden of children. It makes no difference to the devil what happens to be compelling to us, so long as the direction of our compulsion is away from God.

How We Confront Evil’s New Face

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